work work work..
Past few weeks been spending my days in TR -- wake up, go work, reach home 11pm+, bathe, sleep. Monotonous.. sudd realised i've been neglecting alot of impt things in my life.
[[Family]] Haven't been spending much time with them. I dun think i even noe wat's gg on in their lives le. Cousins and relatives.. my grandpa.. I MISS U GUYS SO MUCH!!
[[Friends]] Close frens, frens.. haven't been keeping in contact as often as in the past. Everyone seems busy.. sch, projects, being freshies, etc etc. I read their blogs to get updates on their lives. Isn't tt pathetic?? Promised pple to meet up during hols to do some catching up but failed to do so. Argh.. sorry!! Dun think u'll get to read it but still, i dunno. U juz surprised me with ur sms aft we lost contact for so long. Find it a little weird n awkward if we go out ne? Hmm..
And actu, if not for dear working during the wkends too, i dun think i can get to see him much either. O.o;;
Hmmz... smth needs to be done!!! T^T
My life has shrunk without me realising. Now it only revolves ard tr and dear. But having dear is more than enough to make me feel c-o-m-p-l-e-t-e. =)
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