Dare mo. Shiranai.

Friday, November 11, 2005

Genius, who me?

This must be one of those extremely rare occassions where I actually felt like a genius in class.
Ok well, it's not actually accurate. But at least let me bask in the self-fulfilling moment a tad longer?

Alright, here's the scope. My corporate finance class was asked to attempt a sample examination question on CAPM (capital asset pricing model) at the end of class. It was given as a test of our understanding level at the end of the 3-week lectures covering this topic.
  • (i) equation for CAPM. Comment.
  • (ii) Beta-values for the 3 securites
  • (iii) Pricing of the securities in regards to the security market line (SML)

There was a momentary pause before the class started to react. The rustling of notes echoed within the lecture hall as everyone racked their brains as to how to even begin tackling the question. Looks of blank expression was evident on most faces. While some just chose to concentrate on their handphones & packing their bags. A smile tugged at the corners of my lip.

Upon seeing the state of confusion, I can't deny the sense of amusement creeping up on me. My pen moved swiftly. The answer printed confidently on my foolscap. Done.

It's actually pretty simple. But of course, this didn't come easy. I could empathise with the rest. Afterall, they mirrored my situation a year ago. Nope, I didn't re-take this module. But rather, it was an over-lapping chapter for the module I took last year. I didn't study this for nuts - the hours of chewing, digesting & regurgitating. Moreover, it was also the same example he used last year too. (Both modules are taught by the same lecturer).


But the feeling of understanding what's going on in lecture when the rest are all either bewildered, bothered or brain-dead (or all of the above), is a feeling beyond description. Given that typical students won't even bother to do their own readings & understanding beyond lecture, having an edge over them (at the moment) is , in 2 words -

Damn shiok lah.

Ok, make that 3 words. Haha.. But how often can you feel that way? =)

Back to business law readings... and waiting for 6pm. =)


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