Dare mo. Shiranai.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Good or Bad?

It's a Saturday and I'm at home. Alone. (T^T)

Well, I had officially grown out of my te kar couple of days ago. The effect from... running too much (without cool down. I suppose). *sigh* I had to wear flats & slippers this whole week to work.

Lesson learnt: If it rained immediately after a run, and you had to jump into a car.... do your stretching at the coffee shop!

Oh wells, hope to get back on the tracks next week! I only barely managed swim & gym the last 2days.

Other than a speedy recovery for myself, a much speedier recovery for Big Bird (HAHA!) Now that she has Onion (aka 80cm dog) and Ginger to look after, I bet she has her hands full. Oh no! Hope Onion and Ginger won't produce a Garlic! Cos Mr Poh says Onion is a male....

With moving office coming up in mid Nov, this last quarter really marks alot of events. Of cos, there's still our goals that we're running. Amidst global financial crisis and widespread of chaos and uncertainties, it's really pointless to panic over things we don't have control over. Rather, let's stay focused on the things we can control like our family, relationships, and health.

As lao ban always says, "Good or bad...."
Chorus, "HARD TO SAY!"

Friday, October 03, 2008

Getting Beef-ed up

How often do you see youngsters now, wash up after their parents. And I mean they do it not because their lives were at stake.

How about giving up your 4-figure salary banking career (and chic clothes & air-conditioned office) to sweat it out with your dad as a hawker?

Well, Tina did. And so we went over to Far East Square to try the infamous Hock Lam Beef Kway Teow. And from the special request of Dr Leslie who runs the famous food blog, they had a special shabu shabu beef set only for that day. (Look! I even ripped the photo from his blog!) I guess it's kind of a birthday celebration for them?

Anyway, we ended up having beef kway teow at $45. Wow. The proceeds will go to charity so, it's all for a good cause!

Verdict: The silky smooth kway teow was fragrant with the crushed peanuts. Despite the rich colour, it was bland. The beef stock was tok kong. Power soup! Shabu beef is tender. Yup, that's all I liked about it. Going back for 2nd rounds? I guess I'll consider if I'm in the vacinity.

Selamat Hari Raya & Happy Children's Day to all children!

(Yay! We got a holiday for being nice children!)